Today's House Prices Are Over 40 Percent More Affordable Than The Housing Boom Peak

By Mark Fleming on August 30, 2021
The Real House Price Index (RHPI) measures affordability in the context of changes in consumer house-buying power, incorporating fluctuations in household income, mortgage rates and nominal house prices. In June, housing affordability declined on a year-over-year basis for the fourth month in a row, following two years of increasing affordability. ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability

Interviews with CNBC and Yahoo! Finance: Is the Housing Market Cooling?

By FirstAm Editor on August 24, 2021
First American Deputy Chief Economist Odeta Kushi was interviewed on CNBC and Yahoo! Finance last week, discussing potential moderation of the housing market and affordability challenges with CNBC and providing perspective on July housing starts data and the implications for the housing market with Yahoo! Finance. Read More

Housing In The News Affordability

How the ‘Delta Dip’ Boosted Housing Market Potential

By Mark Fleming on August 20, 2021
Housing market potential strengthened in July, according to our Potential Home Sales Model, increasing 1.3 percent compared with June. It is now nearly 16 percent higher than in July of last year, when the housing market’s summer rebound began, following the initial pandemic-driven decline in the spring. Read More

Interest Rates Homeownership Potential Home Sales

Why Owning a Home was Cheaper than Renting in All 50 Top U.S. Markets

By Odeta Kushi on August 16, 2021
When potential first-time home buyers consider making the transition to homeownership, they ask themselves whether it makes more financial sense to keep renting, or to buy. The pandemic has undoubtedly impacted that calculation. Annual house price appreciation skyrocketed during the pandemic, reaching an average of 17.5 percent annual growth in ... Read More

Affordability Homeownership Renter Affordability

Affordability Declined for Third Month in a Row

By Mark Fleming on July 27, 2021
Housing affordability declined on a year-over-year basis for the third month in a row in May, following a two-year streak of rising affordability. The decline in May occurred even as two of the three key drivers of the Real House Price Index (RHPI), household income and mortgage rates, swung in favor of greater affordability relative to one year ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability

Housing Supply Limiting Market Potential

By Mark Fleming on July 16, 2021
Housing market potential strengthened modestly in June, increasing 0.2 percent compared with May, according to our Potential Home Sales Model. Potential home sales are nearly 17 percent higher than the pandemic-driven decline last June. Read More

Interest Rates Homeownership Potential Home Sales