Affordability Falls to its Lowest Level Since 2008

By Mark Fleming on December 27, 2021
Affordability sank to its lowest level since 2008 in October, as two of the three key drivers of the Real House Price Index (RHPI) swung in favor of reduced affordability relative to one year ago. Higher mortgage rates and record year-over-year nominal house price growth triggered a nearly 20 percent jump in the RHPI (rising RHPI values indicate ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability

Will Rising Mortgage Rates Slow Sales?

By Mark Fleming on December 22, 2021
In November 2021, housing market potential decreased modestly month-over-month to a 6.26 million seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR), according to our Potential Home Sales (PHS) model. Housing market potential in November increased 7.2 percent compared with one year ago and remains significantly higher than the pre-pandemic level. Demand ... Read More

Interest Rates Potential Home Sales tenure

What’s the Outlook for the Housing Market in 2022?

By Odeta Kushi on December 20, 2021
At first glance, the outlook for the 2022 housing market is a familiar one – strong millennial demand for homes constrained by an ongoing, historic housing supply shortage. This supply-demand imbalance generated the record house price appreciation seen in 2021 and, given this dynamic shows few signs of changing, we expect house price appreciation ... Read More

Housing Interest Rates Millennials Affordability

Where Can Residential Real Estate Investors Find the Most Potential ROI?

By Odeta Kushi on December 15, 2021
Over the past year, increasing investor activity in residential real estate, particularly in single-family homes, has drawn a lot of attention. News of large institutional investors snapping up single-family homes underscored this summer’s historically hot housing market. Investors now own an estimated 2 percent of single-family rental housing ... Read More

Housing Homeownership

Why House Prices Still Have Room to Run

By Mark Fleming on November 30, 2021
According to the Real House Price Index (RHPI), which measures housing affordability in the context of changes in consumer house-buying power, affordability in September declined to its lowest level since 2008. Two of the three components of consumer house-buying power swung toward declining affordability. Record nominal house price growth and ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability

Why Housing Market Potential Keeps Rising

By Mark Fleming on November 22, 2021
In September 2021, existing-home sales increased to a 6.29 million seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR). Prior to the pandemic, the housing market had not reached this sales pace since 2006. We may see another strong month in October, as housing market potential increased 10.3 percent compared with one year ago to 6.27 million (SAAR), ... Read More

Interest Rates Potential Home Sales tenure