Will Loan Application Defect Risk Stabilize in 2019?

By Mark Fleming on January 30, 2019
In December 2018, the Loan Application Defect Index for purchase transactions continued its string of month-over-month increases, rising for the fourth month in a row. Despite the upswing, the Defect Index for purchase transactions still remains 1.1 percent below its level in December 2017. The Defect Index for refinance transactions also ... Read More

Fraud Loan Application Defect Index

Where is the Housing Market Cooling the Most?

By Mark Fleming on January 28, 2019
Throughout 2018, consistent growth among three driving forces – mortgage rates, household income, and unadjusted house prices – defined the housing market. These three factors are also the core metrics that comprise the Real House Price Index (RHPI). November 2018 was no exception, as household income, mortgage rates, and the unadjusted house ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability

Can Stock Market Volatility Help Home Buyers?

By Mark Fleming on January 21, 2019
In December, the market potential for existing-home sales in December increased 1.1 percent to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 6.15 million compared with a year ago, but the housing market still underperformed its potential by 9.6 percent, according to our Potential Homes Sales Model. Month over month, the gap between actual existing-home ... Read More

Interest Rates Federal Reserve Homeownership Potential Home Sales

Interviews on CNBC and Yahoo! Finance: Discussing the 2019 Mortgage Rate Outlook, Millennials and Student Debt, and Baby Boomers and Limited Housing Supply

By FirstAm Editor on January 18, 2019
First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming was interviewed on both CNBC and Yahoo! Finance earlier this week and discussed the outlook for mortgage rates in 2019, the impact of student debt on millennial first-time home buyers and how baby boomers aging in place is limiting housing supply. Read More

Housing In The News Interest Rates Millennials Affordability Baby Boomers

Blame The Homebodies: Why Are Homeowners Staying In Their Homes So Long?

By Mark Fleming on January 11, 2019
It’s been over six years since house prices hit their trough and the housing market bottomed out. Since then, house prices have recovered nationally and reached historic highs. The price recovery has most recently been driven by a supply shortage. The availability of homes for sale is running near historic lows because single-family housing ... Read More

Housing Homeownership Potential Home Sales

Will Millennials Migrate Away from Coastal Markets for Homeownership in 2019?

By Odeta Kushi on January 7, 2019
As we enter 2019 and the bulk of the millennial generation ages into their prime home-buying years, is homeownership an attainable New Year’s resolution for millennials? Read More

Millennials Education Homeownership Progress Index Homeownership