Pandemic Unlikely to Slow Looming Wave of Millennial Marriages and Corresponding Increase in Potential Homeownership Demand in the Long Run

By Odeta Kushi on July 15, 2020
Millennials are already the most educated generational cohort in U.S. history, which bodes well for future homeownership demand. But they are also aging into key lifestyle decisions, like marriage and having children, associated with a greater likelihood of purchasing a home. According to our analysis of anonymized household data, millennials ... Read More

Affordable housing Millennials Homeownership Progress Index Homeownership

Rising Millennial Educational Attainment Signals Homeownership Demand Primed for Growth

By Odeta Kushi on July 9, 2020
Examining critical lifestyle, societal and economic trends can provide a strong indication of the likelihood of owning a home and, in turn, potential homeownership demand. This is the fundamental concept behind our annual Homeownership Progress Index (HPRI). Understanding these forces and tracking how they change over time allows us to measure ... Read More

Housing Millennials Education Homeownership Progress Index Homeownership

Millennial Homeownership Delayed, But Not Denied

By Mark Fleming on July 1, 2020
As we navigate the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, home has taken on added significance and there are signs that homeownership remains one of the main tenets of the American Dream. After hitting a bottom in the second week of April, mortgage applications to purchase a home increased for nine consecutive weeks, even exceeding levels from a year ... Read More

Housing Millennials Homeownership Progress Index Homeownership

Will Low Mortgage Rates Prevent Decline in Affordability this Summer?

By Mark Fleming on June 30, 2020
The economic fallout and impacts to the housing market from the pandemic appeared to peak in April. The number of existing-home sales fell 18 percent relative to March, housing starts fell 26 percent, and the supply of homes available for sale approached record lows. While historically low mortgage rates made it more affordable for those with ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability

How Mortgage Rates Have Fueled Housing Market Potential Amid the Pandemic

By Mark Fleming on June 18, 2020
The early signs of a housing market comeback that appeared in mid-April, rising weekly purchase loan applications, continued to surge through May and into June. In fact, weekly purchase loan applications have now exceeded pre-pandemic levels. Read More

Interest Rates Potential Home Sales tenure

For Single Women, Homeownership Increasingly Comes First

By Odeta Kushi on June 11, 2020
As we enter National Homeownership Month, it’s important to reflect on the long-term trends in one of the main tenets of the American Dream. Following an overall decline in homeownership in the aftermath of the Great Recession to a low point of 63 percent in 2016, the homeownership rate has rebounded significantly to 65 percent in 2019. ... Read More

Housing Homeownership