Housing Market Potential Poised to Grow in 2021

By Odeta Kushi on February 18, 2021
At the onset of 2021, positive housing market dynamics powered growth in the market potential for existing-home sales, offsetting negative market supply dynamics. Millions more millennials will age into their prime home-buying age in 2021, and they will do so at a time of historically low mortgage rates. Working against them is the extremely ... Read More

Interest Rates Potential Home Sales tenure

Is the Economy Stuck in Neutral?

By Odeta Kushi on February 3, 2021
When determining where to set the federal funds rate, the Federal Reserve studies a multitude of models and analyses, including the neutral rate of interest. The neutral “what” you ask? The neutral rate of interest is the short-term interest rate that would prevail when the economy is at full employment and stable inflation. The Fed may choose to ... Read More

Interest Rates Federal Reserve

Why the Housing Market Can Thrive if a New Rising-Rate Era Begins

By Mark Fleming on January 26, 2021
Even though nominal house prices continued to surge, affordability improved in November as two of the three key drivers of the Real House Price Index (RHPI), household income and mortgage rates, swung in favor of increased affordability. Real house prices declined by 6.2 percent relative to one year ago, thanks to the benefit of increased buying ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability

Don’t Overlook the Benefit of Equity When Considering Whether to Rent or Own

By Odeta Kushi on January 25, 2021
As nominal house prices have soared over the last year, many potential first-time home buyers may be reconsidering whether to buy or to continue renting. Weighing the monthly cost of renting versus owning a home is a key factor in determining if it makes financial sense to buy a home. This update to a 2019 analysis, which found that owning was ... Read More

Affordability Homeownership Renter Affordability

Why Housing Market Potential May Build on Momentum from Historic 2020

By Mark Fleming on January 22, 2021
In the final month of 2020, the market potential for existing-home sales reached its highest point since 2007, rising to a 6.18 million seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR) of sales. While the winter months are traditionally real estate’s slow season, the housing market had one more surprise for us in 2020 as our measure of the market ... Read More

Interest Rates Potential Home Sales tenure

Will the Super-Sellers' Market Continue to Impact Affordability in 2021?

By Mark Fleming on December 28, 2020
The housing market prior to the pandemic could have been characterized as a sellers’ market, with a shortage of supply relative to demand. With the current supply of homes for sale even tighter relative to demand, it can only be characterized as a super-sellers’ market today. The pandemic has intensified a sense of home as refuge and falling ... Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Affordability