Loan Defect Risk Stabilizes Nationally, But Surges in Florida and Texas

By FirstAm Editor on November 30, 2017
We’ve posted the October First American Loan Application Defect Index, which estimates the frequency of defects, fraudulence and misrepresentation in the information submitted in mortgage loan applications. The Defect Index remains the same as compared with the previous month, and increased 22.1 percent as compared with October 2016. The Defect ... Read More

Loan Application Defect Index

What’s Behind September’s Surprise Increase in Affordability?

By FirstAm Editor on November 27, 2017
First American’s proprietary Real House Price Index (RHPI) looks at September 2017 data and includes analysis from First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming on the market forces that sparked a surprising increase in affordability in September. Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Income Affordability

What's Keeping the Market Below Potential?

By Mark Fleming on November 20, 2017
First American’s proprietary Potential Home Sales model examines October 2017 data and includes analysis from First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming on how the real estate market is performing versus its potential. Read More

Housing Interest Rates

Five Best Cities for Economic Opportunity

By Mark Fleming on November 16, 2017
Amazon’s very public search to identify the best location for its second headquarters made me wonder - what criteria would be helpful for young professionals when making their personal decision on where to live and work? Affordable housing would be important. For example, you can buy so much more home in Texas or Ohio than you can in California. ... Read More

Real House Price Index Affordability

Many Experts Miss the Point on Mortgage Rates and Affordability for First-Time Home Buyers

By Mark Fleming on November 6, 2017
Last week, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) met for the second to last time this year. As most prognosticators expected, the FOMC decided to leave the short-term Federal Funds rate unchanged. While good news for those with credit card debt, car loans and adjustable rate mortgages, the impact of FOMC inaction, or action for that matter, is ... Read More

Housing Interest Rates Federal Reserve Affordability

Will Post-Disaster Mortgage Fraud Risk Trends Play Out in Florida and Texas?

By FirstAm Editor on October 31, 2017
We’ve posted the September First American Loan Application Defect Index, which estimates the frequency of defects, fraudulence and misrepresentation in the information submitted in mortgage loan applications. The Defect Index decreased 1.2 percent as compared with the previous month, and increased 20.3 percent as compared to September 2016. The ... Read More

Loan Application Defect Index