Will August Uptick in Affordability Continue?

By FirstAm Editor on October 30, 2017
First American’s proprietary Real House Price Index (RHPI) looks at August 2017 data and includes analysis from First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming on what’s behind the surprising increase in affordability in August and whether or not that trend will continue. Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Income Affordability

Hesitant Homeowners and Hurricanes Hit Housing Market

By Mark Fleming on October 20, 2017
First American’s proprietary Potential Home Sales model examines September 2017 data and includes analysis from First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming on how the real estate market is performing versus its potential. Read More

Housing Interest Rates

What is Elevating Identity- and Collateral-Based Fraud Risk?

By FirstAm Editor on September 29, 2017
We’ve posted the August First American Loan Application Defect Index, which estimates the frequency of defects, fraudulence and misrepresentation in the information submitted in mortgage loan applications. The Defect Index remained the same in August 2017 as compared with the previous month, and increased 20.0 percent as compared to August 2016. ... Read More

Loan Application Defect Index

Supply Squeeze Tightens Grip on Affordability in July

By FirstAm Editor on September 26, 2017
First American’s proprietary Real House Price Index (RHPI) looks at July 2017 data and includes analysis from First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming on the supply constraints impacting the housing market. Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Income Affordability

Will Quantitative Un-Easing Make Housing Unaffordable?

By Mark Fleming on September 20, 2017
This month, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will consider again whether to increase the benchmark Federal Funds Rate for a third time this year. As I stated when the FOMC was contemplating a rate increase earlier this year, increasing the short-term Federal Funds rate has little impact on longer term rates like the 30-year, fixed-rate ... Read More

Housing Interest Rates Federal Reserve

How Will Hurricanes Harvey and Irma Impact Housing Market Potential?

By Mark Fleming on September 19, 2017
First American’s proprietary Potential Home Sales model examines August 2017 data and includes analysis from First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming on how the real estate market is performing versus its potential. Read More

Housing Interest Rates