The Silver Lining for Cities with the Most Homeowner Distress

By Odeta Kushi on September 3, 2020
Based on our analysis last month, a wave of foreclosures similar to levels seen during the Great Recession is unlikely to occur despite the continuing economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Homeowners are in a much better position to weather this crisis, in part because household equity is near a three-decade high, negating one of the ... Read More

Affordable housing Homeownership

Pandemic Unlikely to Slow Looming Wave of Millennial Marriages and Corresponding Increase in Potential Homeownership Demand in the Long Run

By Odeta Kushi on July 15, 2020
Millennials are already the most educated generational cohort in U.S. history, which bodes well for future homeownership demand. But they are also aging into key lifestyle decisions, like marriage and having children, associated with a greater likelihood of purchasing a home. According to our analysis of anonymized household data, millennials ... Read More

Affordable housing Millennials Homeownership Progress Index Homeownership