Interviews on Yahoo! Finance and Nightly Business Report: Discussing existing-home sales, the housing supply squeeze and the market forces helping affordability

By FirstAm Editor on May 24, 2019
First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming was interviewed on Yahoo! Finance and Deputy Chief Economist Odeta Kushi on Nightly Business Report earlier this week and discussed the existing-home sales data for April, the housing supply squeeze and the market forces helping affordability. Read More

Housing In The News Interest Rates Affordability

Interviews on FOXBusiness and CNBC: Discussing the Outlook for the Housing Market and Economy and the Impact of Tax Law Changes

By FirstAm Editor on May 22, 2019
First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming was interviewed on FOXBusiness and CNBC on Tuesday and discussed the outlook for the housing market and broader economy as well as the impact of tax law changes on housing. Read More

Housing In The News Interest Rates Affordability

Interview on CNBC: Discussing the Impact of Declining Mortgage Rates and Limited Supply on the Housing Market

By FirstAm Editor on March 27, 2019
First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming was interviewed on CNBC on Tuesday and discussed how the decline in mortgage rates over the last few months and continued tight housing supply are likely to impact the housing market. Read More

Housing New Home Buying In The News Interest Rates Affordability

What Will it Take to Reduce the Housing Supply Deficit?

By Mark Fleming on March 6, 2019
Last week, the Census Bureau released its Residential Construction report for December. Housing completions decreased 8.4 percent compared with last December and continued to fall short of the number of new housing units necessary to keep pace with household formation. Housing starts also decreased 10.9 percent in December compared with a year ... Read More

Housing housing starts Homeownership

Interviews on NPR and Discussing Millennial Homeownership and the 2019 Spring Home Buying Season

By FirstAm Editor on February 6, 2019
First American Deputy Chief Economist Odeta Kushi provided perspective on millennial homeownership in an interview with National Public Radio and Chief Economist Mark Fleming’s expectations for the spring home buying season were featured in a article earlier this month. Read More

Housing In The News Interest Rates Millennials Affordability

Interviews on CNBC and Yahoo! Finance: Discussing the 2019 Mortgage Rate Outlook, Millennials and Student Debt, and Baby Boomers and Limited Housing Supply

By FirstAm Editor on January 18, 2019
First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming was interviewed on both CNBC and Yahoo! Finance earlier this week and discussed the outlook for mortgage rates in 2019, the impact of student debt on millennial first-time home buyers and how baby boomers aging in place is limiting housing supply. Read More

Housing In The News Interest Rates Millennials Affordability Baby Boomers