Discussing the duality dilemma keeping home sales below potential - TheStreet.com interview

By FirstAm Editor on April 21, 2016
Rhonda Schaffler at TheStreet.com interviews First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming regarding the duality dilemma keeping home sales below potential. The interview offers additional insight into the findings in this month’s Potential Home Sales model. You can watch TheStreet.com interview here. Read More

Housing In The News Interest Rates

Existing-Home Sales Falling Short of Potential

By Mark Fleming on April 14, 2016
For the month of March, First American’s proprietary Potential Home Sales model showed that the market for existing-home sales is underperforming its potential by 11.5 percent or an estimated 664,000 seasonally adjusted, annualized rate (SAAR) of sales. The Potential Home Sales model provides a gauge on whether existing-home sales are under or ... Read More


Loan Defect and Fraud Risk Declining Due to Compliance-Related Investments

By FirstAm Editor on March 31, 2016
We’ve posted the February First American Loan Application Defect Index, which estimates the frequency of defects, fraudulence and misrepresentation in the information submitted in mortgage loan applications. The Defect Index decreased 1.3 percent in February as compared with January and decreased by 5.1 percent as compared with February 2015. The ... Read More

Loan Application Defect Index

Title agent expectations for real estate market transactions weaken in the first quarter, according to Q1 2016 Real Estate Sentiment Index

By FirstAm Editor on March 22, 2016
We’ve posted the first quarter 2016 First American Real Estate Sentiment Index, which measures title agent sentiment on a variety of key market metrics and industry issues. It’s based on a quarterly survey of independent title agents that do business with First American. More than 4,000 title agents from 50 states have participated in the first ... Read More

Real Estate Sentiment Index

Market Activity Continues to Track Potential

By Mark Fleming on March 17, 2016
For the month of February, First American’s proprietary Potential Home Sales model showed that the market potential for existing-home sales grew by 1.0 percent compared with January and increased by 3.6 percent compared with a year ago. The Potential Home Sales model provides a gauge on whether existing-home sales are under or over their long-run ... Read More


How Long Will Rates Stay Low

By Mark Fleming on March 16, 2016
This week, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is holding their March meeting where they could, just possibly, decide to increase the benchmark Federal Funds Rate again. According to one survey by CNBC, the vast majority expect rates to remain unchanged. In that same survey, nearly all the respondents believed a rate hike was likely in the ... Read More

Interest Rates Federal Reserve