Interview on Bloomberg TV: Discussing Housing Starts, Millennial Home Buying and More

By FirstAm Editor on October 19, 2016
First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming was invited to share his perspective on housing starts, Millennial home buying and more on Bloomberg Markets this morning. Mark commented on the tipping point signaled in today’s housing start numbers. Read More

Housing In The News Millennials

Market is Missing Its Potential Due to Tight Supply

By Mark Fleming on October 18, 2016
First American has updated its proprietary Potential Home Sales model for the month of September. Read More

Housing Interest Rates

Automation Angst – The Polarization of the Labor Market in the 21st Century

By Mark Fleming on October 11, 2016
Success achieving the American Dream of homeownership is, in large part, dependent on the ability to earn a good income. For much of the last century, a job in manufacturing provided a stable and solid income. In fact, after World War II, the United States was the manufacturer to the world, as America’s post-war economic boom changed the way we ... Read More

Education Income

Loan Application Defect and Fraud Risk Declines Due to Increased Demand for FHA Purchase Loans

By FirstAm Editor on September 30, 2016
We’ve posted the August First American Loan Application Defect Index, which estimates the frequency of defects, fraudulence and misrepresentation in the information submitted in mortgage loan applications. The Defect Index remained unchanged in August as compared with July and decreased by 14.6 percent as compared with August 2015. The Defect ... Read More

Loan Application Defect Index Income

Affordability in Almost All Major Markets Continues to Improve in July

By FirstAm Editor on September 26, 2016
First American’s proprietary Real House Price Index (RHPI) looks at July 2016 data and includes analysis from First American Chief Economist Mark Fleming the explains how rising incomes and low interest rates are contributing to increased affordability in most major U.S. markets. Read More

Interest Rates Real House Price Index Income Affordability

Market Potential Improves on the Back of Gains in Income

By Mark Fleming on September 20, 2016
For the month of August, First American’s proprietary Potential Home Sales model showed that the market for existing-home sales is underperforming its potential by 5.6 percent or an estimated 323,000 seasonally adjusted, annualized rate (SAAR) of sales, an improvement relative to last month’s revised performance gap of -5.7 percent or 328,000 ... Read More
