First American gives to organizations that work to create and sustain affordable housing, revitalize low-to-moderate-income neighborhoods and support community services and economic development. By supporting Habitat for Humanity builds, First American employees support affordable housing in their local communities. In turn, our employees enjoy a...
Recent Posts by FirstAm Editor

First American Employees Proudly Give Back and Support Community Development
Topics: Housing Charity Community Development
First American Encourages Volunteerism and Community Support
For more than 130 years, First American has fostered a culture that encourages volunteerism and community support. In April 2022, First American’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory Council, in partnership with the FirstAmCares team, sponsored Volunteer Month with a focus on an enterprise-wide food drive. We worked with Feeding America and...
Topics: Charity Community Development
First American Employees Support Women’s Advocacy
Women’s advocacy is one of several key initiatives supported by #FirstAmCares, First American’s employee-driven philanthropy program. Among other core causes, First American is committed to supporting charities that provide benefits, programs and services that promote women’s health, professional growth and quality of life. These include the...
Topics: Charity Cancer Women's Advocacy
First American’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory Council Team Up with Feeding America
For more than 130 years, First American has fostered a culture that encourages volunteerism and community support. Our philanthropy initiatives focus on three core causes: Community Development, Women’s Advocacy and Human Services.
Partnering with American Cancer Society for Women's Advocacy
Women’s advocacy is one of several key initiatives supported by #FirstAmCares, First American’s employee-driven philanthropy program. With an approximately 70 percent female workforce, First American supports charities that provide benefit programs and services that promote women’s health, professional growth and quality of life.In 2020, First...
Topics: Community relations
First American Employees Support Community Development
First American gives to organizations that work to create and sustain affordable housing, revitalize low-to moderate-income neighborhoods and support community services and economic development. By supporting Habitat for Humanity builds, First American employees support affordable housing in their local communities. In turn, our employees enjoy a...
Topics: Community relations