"Stay In School, Kid" - The Relationship Between Education and Income

By Mark Fleming on July 8, 2015
We have published several blog posts recently on the impact of education on income. It should be common knowledge that higher levels of education correspond with higher incomes. But how do income brackets break down across education levels? Or asked differently, how badly do you need a bachelor’s degree if you want to make six figures? Read More

Education Income

Talking About My Generation: Millennials Waiting for Homeownership

By FirstAm Editor on June 25, 2015
In several of our recent blog posts, we have touched on Millennials and their various characteristics, from the sizeable Hispanic representation, to the importance of education when it comes to owning a home. We have seen that Millennials are the most diverse generation to date. There is also an ever-increasing need for higher education in today’s ... Read More

Millennials Education

Equity For All

By Mark Fleming on June 11, 2015
This month in Mortgage Banking Magazine, I have an article entitled “Equity For All” in which I discuss the importance of homeownership for economic mobility and growth. This is particularly important today as the homeownership rate is at 25 year lows and some are suggesting that it may even fall further (see the recent research from Urban ... Read More


Differences in Homeownership Rates Across Age and Ethnicity - Part 2

By Mark Fleming on June 4, 2015
In a previous blog post, we explored the relationship between the age of the US Hispanic population and its homeownership rate; now, let’s examine a second factor: income. As shown in the first figure, higher income clearly correlates with higher rates of homeownership. Just like our measure of age and homeownership in the last post, the biggest ... Read More

Education Income

The Causes of Differences in Homeownership Rates Across Age and Ethnicity

By Mark Fleming on May 20, 2015
Hispanics are the most rapidly growing ethnic group in the United States, more than doubling in number over the past 20 years. This demographic that accounts for a fifth of the millennial population will play an ever-increasing and important role in the housing market, upcoming elections, and the future of the country as a whole. However, ... Read More


Economists Agree To Disagree On Causes Of Economic Stagnation

By Mark Fleming on May 19, 2015
Last week, I spoke at the National Association of Business Economists Los Angeles chapter event entitled “Rebuilding the American Dream.” This was a particularly exciting presentation for me as it is a rarity that I get to speak to a group of professionals with similar training and background. Yes, 30 economists all in a room together! Only other ... Read More
