First American Blog - The First Word

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Recent Posts by FirstAm Editor

15 Real Estate Terms You Should Know

Whether or not you are a first time home buyer or have sold and purchased real estate in the past, the terminology your agent will use to explain parts and pieces of the transaction will likely seem foreign. Sometimes, although not intentionally, your agent might use an industry phrase without explaining what it means.

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Topics: Homebuyer and Seller Education Real Estate Terminology

3 Home Renovations To Avoid Before Selling

Are you considering home renovations to increase the value and appeal of your home in preparation to sell? Here are three projects that don’t have the high rate of return you may be looking for.

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Topics: Homebuyer and Seller Education

Should we sell our home or keep it as a rental?

Many homeowners who are preparing to move from one home to another ask themselves this question. Human nature compels us to cling to the things we care about and consider valuable. In order to make an informed decision here are a few things to consider. This article is strictly meant to be thought provoking and should not in any way be considered...

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Topics: Housing

Behind the Scenes of the Home Sale Process

Have you ever heard the expression, “It takes a village?” The process of selling and purchasing a home would be fitting for this expression. A surprising amount of time, expertise, and people are involved in your real estate transaction.  As the buyer or seller, it's normal to experience stress and excitement during the home sale or purchase. It...

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First American's History of Strength and Innovation [Video]

As First American celebrates its 125th Anniversary, join us for a look back at highlights from our rich legacy of strength and innovation.
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Topics: Title Insurance First American

Understanding the HUD-1 Settlement Statement

NOTE: This post was written before the CFPB's Integrated Mortgage Disclousre changes with TRID. The HUD-1 is now only used in very select types of transactions. Visit for information about the new dsiclosures. 

If you’re looking to buy a home this summer, you’re not alone. In fact, warm...

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Topics: Homebuyer and Seller Education