Innovation Center

Innovation and technology are reshaping the process of buying and selling property in the United States. First American is at the forefront of these changes, driving innovation to improve the customer experience, enhance security, accelerate transactions and make First American the preferred choice for title insurance and settlement services.

Recent Posts by Justin Earley

How First American Advances the Art of Title Underwriting Through Technology

By Justin Earley on August 29, 2024
Behind the scenes of a real estate transaction, title insurance underwriters are busy evaluating land title risks and making coverage decisions. Their tireless work helps deals close quickly and on time. What keeps underwriters so busy? Seasoned real estate experts know that real property transactions can be derailed by a variety of title issues. ...
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Tokenizing Real Estate Assets Introduces New Consumer Risks for Unproven Benefits

By Justin Earley on July 12, 2023
Cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and tokenization may have lost some of the luster they enjoyed not too long ago due to the high-profile fall from grace of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried and ongoing turbulence in the valuation of cryptocurrencies. However, many are watching where, and if, the tokenizing of non-fungible assets should be ...
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Using NFTs in Real Estate - What’s Real and What’s Not

By Justin Earley on October 13, 2022
The application of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the tokenization of digital and physical assets continue to garner attention across industries, businesses, and governments, while prompting excitement among early adopters, and also confusion among many consumers. Both the interest and the confusion are warranted, as the technology has the ...
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Centaurs: The Future of Title Insurance Innovation

By Justin Earley on August 12, 2020
Ever heard the business proverb that it’s important to play “chess, not checkers?” This turn of phrase drives at the difference between strategy and tactics. Chess was once perceived as the height of human strategic thinking, and so when IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer defeated chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov in 1997, many declared that human ...
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