Pleasanton council OKs study for up to 2,279 housing units

Pleasanton Weekly

From the article:

The Pleasanton City Council agreed Tuesday to move forward on a plan to allow homes, apartment buildings, retail and commercial businesses, and a public elementary school to be part of a major land development on the city's east side.

Recommended by the East Pleasanton Specific Plan task force , the development would occur on 400 acres of mostly vacant land on the city's east side. Except for the Pleasanton Garbage Service's recycling plant, the property is part of undeveloped quarry land east of Valley Avenue and continuing along the north side of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Stanley Boulevard.

As a result of the Council's 5-0 vote after a public hearing that lasted late into the night, city staff and consultant Wayne Rasmussen will seek an environmental review of the task force's preferred, or base plan. That calls for 2,279 new homes and apartments on the site, although Council members indicated they want fewer housing units when the plan is finalized.

"There's no way we will permit that many homes and apartments to be built on the east side site," said Mayor Jerry Thorne. "The environmental impact report (EIR) of this base plan will give us the information we need on the best kind of development for the property." 

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