Alameda officials approve tentative map for housing project

Contra Costa Times

From the Article:

ALAMEDA -- The completion of Marina Cove, the housing development that was started more than a decade ago on Buena Vista Avenue, moved a little closer Wednesday, when the City Council approved a tentative subdivision map for an additional 89 residences.

The 52 single-family homes and 37 condominiums will be built near the Fortman Marina and the historic Del Monte Warehouse in what officials say will be the city's first multiunit, privately funded housing development in approximately 20 years.

"This is a triumph for us," City Manager John Russo said.

The vacant Chipman warehouse currently occupies the site at 1551 Buena Vista Ave., which also features a paved area for parking and truck deliveries.

"I'm so excited I don't know what to say," said lifetime West End resident Nick Cabral before the council unanimously approved the tentative map. "I've been looking at trucks for 72 years and I have had enough of trucks."

The proposal from applicant John Shelton of Trident Partners LLC calls for the condominiums to be built on a single lot on the seven-acre site. Six single-family homes will face Buena Vista Avenue.

Trident Partners originally proposed building 69 residences, but city officials asked for an additional 30 units as a way to help meet the city's projected housing needs as outlined in the Housing Element of the General Plan.


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