Contra Costa times
From the article:
LAFAYETTE -- Up against a legal deadline to decide on plans for 72 condominiums near the BART station, city leaders remain divided over whether the project known as Town Center Phase III is ready for approval.
At a special meeting between the city and developers this week, Councilman Carl Anduri, Vice Mayor Mike Anderson and Mayor Carol Federighi accepted the project's environmental review. But they split 2-1 -- with Anderson opposing -- over changing the site's land use to permit residences instead of offices.
And they did not vote to amend the general plan for the area to permit buildings higher than 35 feet. Councilman Don Tatzin was absent and Brandt Andersson has recused himself from voting on the project citing a possible conflict of interest.
The amendment was just one of many issues debated in the three-hour meeting Tuesday night, which followed a Nov. 13 request by the council that developer KB Home shows progress on guidelines set by the city's Design Review Commission.
Lafayette leaders have been discussing residential housing at the site of a parking lot north of Mt. Diablo Boulevard and Dewing Avenue since at least 2003, when developers sought apartments instead of an office building as the third phase of the Town Center project.